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Demystifying Energy Savings: Electrify With Confidence
I had the honor of speaking at the City of Edgewater Sustainability Board and Residents Meeting on October 10, 2024. As an energy auditor and heat pump installer in the…
Colorado’s Best 25 Green Organizations and Resources
There are a lot of green and sustainabile organizations throughout Colorado, and it’s hard to find all of them. Until now! Check out 25 or Colorado’s top green organizations.
6 Downsides of Heat Pump Water Heaters (How to Solve)
You may know that heat pump water heaters save a lot of energy, but there may be a few downsides to be aware of before installing them. Check out our short list of six potential downsides, and how to solve for them as well.
Solar Panel Removal and Reinstall Cost Calculator
If you’ve ever wondered what it might cost to remove and reinstall solar panels during a reroof, this is your calculator. Enter your own data to find out what the real cost might be.
EnergyGuide Accuracy Personalized Savings Calculator
If you’ve ever wondered if the EnergyGuide label you’re looking at is accurate, this is the way to find out. Use our calculator to figure out your true costs and energy savings.
Simple Heat Pump Water Heater Savings ROI Calculator
If you’re debating replacing your electric conventional tank water heater with a heat pump electric water heater, this calculator will really show what savings you’ll get.
Gas to Electric Heat Pump Water Heater Savings Calculator
Heat pump water heaters are super energy efficient. But what do the actual savings and costs look like for you home when you switch from gas to electric? Use our calculator to find out here.
Simple Solar PV ROI Calculator (Use Your Own Bills)
If you’ve ever wondered how much you might actually save by installing solar PV panels, this is it. Use our calculator and your own numbers to dial in a 25-year ROI.