Homebuilders: Optimistic Like It’s 1999

Homebuilders: Optimistic Like It’s 1999

NAHB reported that homebuilder sentiment hit a 20-year high in December of 2019. The Housing Market Index is based on builder survey data about current home sales, anticipated sales for the next six months, and the numbers of prospective buyers approaching the builders. An average of the three scores above 50 is considered positive, and December came in at 76. (Respective numbers in December were 84 for current sales, 79 for expected sales and 58 for prospective buyers.)

The Incredible Benefits of Owning One Home in Your Lifetime

The Incredible Benefits of Owning One Home in Your Lifetime

Owning just one home in your lifetime could be the most powerful decision you ever make, both financially and for overall stability and well-being. The tax laws, monetary system, and property-rights based society that we live in are all designed for it, and we explore how it creates an incredible investment over time, and many other reasons why it’s so powerful.

The Best Video on How the Economic Machine and Cycles Work – Part 1

The Best Video on How the Economic Machine and Cycles Work – Part 1

When we better understand the economic system we live in, we can continuously make better decisions for ourselves and our lives. This three part series helps to explain why Ray Dalio’s How The Economic Machine Video is one of the best ways out there to quickly understand the world we live in from a financial & behavioral perspective, and what we can watch out for, along with what to do about it to not only keep ourselves out of hot water, but to thrive in prosperity.